Instructions for authors

Below please find instructions regarding the following topics.

Oral presentations

Multimedia facilities and MS Windows based computers will be available during the Symposium. Please use MS PowerPoint version 2000 or later. In your PowerPoint presentation, preferably use the Arial or Verdana font and a font size of at least 18 points!!

Oral presentation time will be limited as follows.


Posters will be displayed near the meeting room. Each poster must be in English. Posters must be prepared beforehand and brought in person by the participants. Authors must be present near their posters for during the poster sessions. Please place and remove your posters in time.

Posters must be legible from a distance of at least 2 meters. Headings and subtitles should have the smallest letters in 80-point font (12 mm, capitals 17 mm). Body text should be 36-point font (7 mm, capitals 9 mm) with a line thickness of 1 mm.

Posters should have a heading with a clear and appealing title. Do not use too much room for author(s) name(s), institution and address(-es). This information can best be mentioned at the bottom of the poster. Use colour pictures, graphs and diagrams in preference to long tables. Avoid too many details and minimise the amount of text. Use key phrases or points. Posters should have a single, easy to follow message, be readable in a few minutes. The poster panel actual size is 90 cm wide and 120 cm high. Materials for attaching posters will be provided by the organisers.

Guidelines for abstracts preparation

Abstracts should be clear and comprehensive. Typing instructions.

The address should start in a separate line. Address of presenting author should contain sufficient contact information, preferably including an e-mail address.

The body of the abstract should not exceed 500 words. Please, no subheadings, tables, figures or references.

All speakers and Authors of posters are requested to prepare one-page abstract in English to be submitted before the deadline of June 1, 2009.

Abstract submission

Please submit an abstract of your oral and/or poster presentation before June 1st 2009 via our online 14 ECM website (registration - presentation form) or directly to:

Paper manuscripts for the proceedings

RSS feed

First manuscripts for the proceedings should be delivered before the deadline of December 1, 2009.

Manuscripts should be sent to Zookeys. On the ZooKeys website, please first register before you sumbit your article. In case of technical questions, please contact the editorial secretary Ivailo Stoyanov . Do NOT send papers to Ivailo's email.

Note 1. In case you submitted your paper to Hans Turin / the organisation of the 14th ECM, you also have to submit your paper to Zookeys - we cannot register for you at Zookeys.

Note 2. There is no additional charge for colour in ZooKeys. However in the printed hard copy, there is a limited possibility for coloured illustrations. Therefore we would advise you to use colour for only really significant and important (or spectacular) photos of animals, or landscapes and/or maps. The authors who have indicated their wish for colour do not have to ask for this again, but they are kindly asked to follow the above mentioned restrictions. For others who intend to include coloured figures, please make this clear to the editorial board.
As we do not have the possibility for fully checking the English construction, we urge the authors to have the concept papers checked by a native speaker, before submission.

Please follow the Zookeys guidelines or the guidelines below, which are in accordance with the Author Guidelines of ZooKeys.

The title of the article should be in sentence case (only scientific, geographic or person names should be capitalized, i.e. Elater ferrugineus L., Germany etc.), and should include an accurate, clear and concise description of the reported work, avoiding abbreviations.

Authors and Affiliations
Provide the first names or initials (if used), middle names or initials (if used), surnames, and affiliations department, university or organization, city, state/province (if applicable), and country - for all authors. One of the authors should be designated as the corresponding author. It is the corresponding author's responsibility to ensure that the author list, and the summary of the author contributions to the study are accurate and complete. If the article has been submitted on behalf of a consortium, all consortium members and affiliations should be listed after the Acknowledgements section.

Body Text
All papers must be in English, checked by a native English-speaking colleague. Write with precision, clarity, and economy: use the active voice and first person whenever appropriate. If at all possible, avoid the use of parenthetical comments and italics or bold for emphasis. ZooKeys discourages the use of quotation marks except for direct quotations, words defined by the author, and words used in unusual contexts. Short quotations should be embedded in the text and enclosed in double quotation marks (''). Long quotations should be on a separate line, italicized, but without quotation marks. Single quotation marks are to be used only for a quotation that occurs within another quotation. Use either British/Commonwealth or American English provided that the language is consistent within a paper.

Spacing, Fonts, and Page Numbering
Single-space all material (text, quotations, figure legends, tables, references, etc.). Separate paragraphs with a blank line. Use a 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman or Arial).

should only be used for first letters of sentences, first letters proper names and first letters of specific words (e.g. tables, figures, experiments, behaviour patterns) that should be emphasized; small capitals for words that should be printed in capitals (e.g. ANOVA, MANOVA).

Please italicize scientific names, long direct quotations and the symbols for all variables and constants (except Greek letters in the text), such as p, F, U, T, N, r, but not for SD (standard deviation), SE (standard error), DF (degrees of freedom) and NS (non significant). Symbols in Illustrations and equations should be italic to match the text. Italics should rarely be used for emphasis (no italics for: e.g., i.e., et al., etc., cf.). Do not underline text.

Abbreviations should be followed by '.' unless the abbreviation is written with the last letter of the original word at the end position (thus: i.e. - e.g. - cf. - etc. but eds - Dr - edn) - measures (such as mm cm m s l) without '.'.

Avoid footnotes in the body text of your manuscript; most footnote material can be incorporated in the text for the benefit of readers and editors. Footnotes below tables are acceptable; instead of numbers, please use (in order): †, ‡, § , |, ¶, #, ††, ‡‡, §§, ||, ¶¶, ##.

Use the International System of Units (SI) for measurements. Consult Standard Practice for Use of the International System of Units (ASTM Standard E-380-93) for guidance on unit conversions, style, and usage. When preparing text and figures, note in particular that (1) SI requires the use of the terms mass or force rather than weight; (2) when one unit appears in a denominator, use the solidus (/); for two or more units in a denominator, use negative exponents; and (3) use a capital L as the symbol for litre.

Use leading zeroes with all numbers, including probability values (e.g., P < 0.001). For every significant F-statistic reported, provide two df values (numerator and denominator). Whenever possible, indicate the year and version number of the statistical software used.

Web (HTML) links
Authors may include links to other Internet resources in their article. This is especially encouraged in the reference section. When inserting a reference to a web-page, please include the http:// portion of the address.

Headings and subheadings
Main headings: The body text should be subdivided into different sections with appropriate headings. Where possible, the following standard headings should be used. These headings must appear on a single line by themselves, and be capitalized (first letter capital). Please do not number headings or subheadings.

Where possible, the standard headings should be used in the order given above. Additional headings may be used and modifications to these heading suggestions are permissible.

Subsection headings: Lower order headings (e.g. Field study and Simulation model or Counts, measurements and Molecular analysis), should be left-justified, italicized, and lower-case except for the initial letter of the first word which should be upper-case. All lower headings must appear on a line by themselves.

Citations within the text
Before submitting the manuscript, check each citation in the text against the References to ensure that they match exactly. Delete citations from the list if they are not actually cited in the text of the article. Citations in the text should be formatted as follows: (Smith 1990) or (Smith et al. 1998; Brock and Gunderson 2001; Felt 2006).


All journal titles should be spelled out completely and should not be in italics. In the titles of articles, capitalization of the common names of organisms and the spellings of all words should agree exactly with that used in the original publication.

Provide the publisher's name and location when you cite symposia or conference proceedings; distinguish between the conference date and the publication date if both are given. Do not list abstracts or unpublished material in the References. They may be listed in the text as personal observations (by an author of the present paper), personal communications (from others), or unpublished x, where x = data, manuscript, or report; provide author names and initials for all unpublished work and abstracts. When possible, include URLs for articles available online through library subscription or individual journal subscription. URLs should not be included for articles that are posted on an author's website, unless it is a software or language program that is not available by any other means and is integral to the paper.

Illustrations and Figures
Figures and illustrations (maximum total file-size is 5 MB) are accepted in the following graphic file formats:

* TIFF (resolution at least 300dpi, with LZW compression)
* PNG (preferred format for photos or images)
* JPEG (preferred format for photos or images)

If unable to provide figures in one of the above graphics file formats, or if unable to keep the file-size below 5 MB, please, contact us by mail:

Figure legends
The legends should be included in the main manuscript text file immediately following the references, rather than being a part of the figure file. For each figure, the following information should be provided: Figure number (in sequence, using Arabic numerals - i.e. Figure 1, 2, 3 etc.); short title of figure (maximum 15 words); detailed legend, up to 300 words.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures or tables that have previously been published elsewhere.

Each table should be numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals (i.e. Table 1, 2, 3 etc.). Tables should also have a title that summarizes the whole table, maximum 15 words. Detailed legends may then follow, but should be concise.

Smaller tables considered to be integral to the manuscript can be pasted within the text, in portrait format (note that tables on a landscape page must be reformatted onto a portrait page or submitted as additional files). These will be typeset and displayed in the final published form of the article. Such tables should be formatted using the 'Table object' in a word processing program to ensure that columns of data are kept aligned when the file is sent electronically for review; this will not always be the case if columns are generated by simply using tabs to separate text. Columns and rows of data should be made visibly distinct by ensuring the borders of each cell display as black lines. Commas should not be used to indicate numerical values. Colour and shading should not be used.