The 14th ECM is over. You cannot register anymore...

Registration fee

Before April 1, 2009*From April 1, 2009 onwards
Full participant€ 250€ 275
Student€ 200€ 225
Accompanying person€ 130€ 150
One day participant€ 70€ 80

* This offer was valid for participants who paid before April 1, 2009.

Fee includesFull participant / studentAccompanying personOne-day participant
Programme and abstracts
Proceedings of the meeting
Reprint proceedings of first meeting
Excursion and lunch on Wednesday
Coffee and lunch
Conference dinner

The post-meeting at Schiermonnikoog will cost € 85 for transport from Westerbork to Schiermonnikoog, 2 excursions and a farewell dinner. Details regarding accommodation are given on the post-meeting page.


You can register by using the electronic registration form. Those among you who do not trust such on-line services, can use a registration form in pdf-format.

After registration please use the presentation form for submitting abstracts of lectures and / or posters. Instructions regarding the paper manuscripts can be found on the instructions for authors page.
Note. Our program allows for a maximum number of 40 oral presentations. In case this threshold will be exceeded, we will possibly ask you to present a poster instead.

Please pay the registration fee at least 30 days before the beginning of the congress. Upon its receipt, your registration will be confirmed.

Carabus arvensis in copper
Carabus arvensis in copper


Registration fees should be paid into the following account.

Beneficiary:Stichting W.B.B.S.
VAT No.:NL8122.23.998.B01
Account number:
IBAN-number:NL 57 RABO
Rabobank Stad en Midden Groningen
Address:Postbus 2003
9704 CA Groningen
Message:"Registration fee 14th ECM", followed by your name

The registration desk will be open: