General information
In case you are not interested in the latest news from the Netherlands, a Dutch dictionary explaining words and abbreviations like VVV, hangouderen, prinsjesdag, smartshop, coffee shop, bokitoproof and the prefix bio, you might visit the following pages.
Lonely Planet The Netherlands (
Rough guide to The Netherlands (
Netherlands (
Selected bibliography for Dutch participants
Weather rainfall radar
The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality stated: "The Netherlands is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. Hence the pressure on the rural area is considerable. People have to live, work and relax there. Besides, space is needed for agricultural production and transport, while valuable nature areas and unique landscapes must be conserved for future generations. A balance must continually be struck between the various uses of the rural area." Interested in the current policy?
National Parks
A map of all Dutch national parks can be found here. In the vicinity of Westerbork you will find the Drents-Friese Wold, Drentse Aa and Dwingelderveld. The post-meeting is planned on the island of Schiermonnikoog.